FRIGAID 是冷凍空調冷媒側添加劑,利用奈米科技產生5 x 10-10 meter ,0.5 奈米之極化電磁分子,隨同冷媒添加於系統中,它對金屬比冷凍油更有親和性(a higher affinity with metal than the carrier oil) 。可清除原來附著在熱交換器內壁之油膜,同時增加熱傳效益。
FRIGAID® is an additive used on the refrigerant-side in an HVAC system. It is a polarized-electromagnetic molecular, with 0.5 nm in size. It has a high affinity with metal which forms a permanent layer, replacing the oil layer, causing the lub oil to return.